(Cilla Leavitt lives in North Carolina with her husband Russell, but also owns a farm in Washington, VT which she has volunteered for a future Yale Club of Vermont event. It’s too early to schedule anything yet, but it’s a nice prospect to contemplate. (SM)
Dear Stephen,
Are you still involved with the Yale Club of Vermont? My husband and I (class of ’75 & ’74) have a farm in Washington, VT.
We only spend the summers there now, but it is a great place to have some Yale event. I do weddings for fun as a sidekick.
Cilla Whiteman Leavitt ’74 (My brother Bart was in the class of ’70; played in the infamous 29-29 game!)
Hi Stephen,
A suggestion for a book club, “The Orchard” by David Hopen. He’s a Yale grad and, with Oxford in between, is now at Yale Law.
I just learned that Archer Mayor, the Vermont mystery writer, is a Yalie. He’d be a great book club guest.