Yale and Financial Aid

Summary of President Salovey’s Quarterly Webinar for AYA Members February 21, 2022
President Salovey held a quarterly webinar this afternoon which had some interesting points
that might be helpful as we try and encourage Vermont high school students to consider
applying to Yale.

With respect to student Financial Aid, he indicated that students with a gross family income
of $75,000 or under who are accepted to Yale will have no required family contribution and
students with gross family income from $75,000 to $200,000 will have a family contribution
on a sliding scale from 1% to 20%. Students are expected to make a contribution based upon
summer work or term-time jobs.

He further noted that 85% of graduating students from Yale College had no financial aid debt.
He emphasized that ALL Financial Aid is awarded on a need basis.

He stated that the Class of 2021 had 97% employed within 6 months or less after graduation
with 89% employed in their field of study. 68% are employed in for-profit endeavors and 32%
in non-profit and/or government jobs. The annual average starting salary for the class of
2021 was $76,000.
Lastly, he noted that Yale continues to offer a large number of joint degree programs and
stated that student will be able to opt to stay at Yale College for a 5 th year and start working
on a Master’s program in their 4 th year. He explained that students from Yale College will be
able to take courses at many of the Graduate Schools, including the Yale School of
Management, the School of Environmental Studies and the Yale Law School, among others.